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Education: Rotterdam Conservatory, Cambridge University // Activities: composition, writing

Saturday 24 September 2022

Individual artistic achievement contested

 Another BBC video as a revealing documentation how 20C modernism, helped by lack of artistic talent and ignorance, misread the reality of the past, even going so far as denying that Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapell on his own and sculpted his David alone - which has long been established as historical fact.

'In reality, Michelangelo's iconic fresco's were a product of collaboration with other artists.' Which is entirely untrue: the sources unanimously confirm that Michelangelo painted the frescoes all alone, contrary to the customs of the time, and sculpted his David alone, over a period of 5 years, in secrecy, to make its revelation all the more surpsising.


The intention is to 'dismantle the myth' that artists did things alone, because of their own, individual talents; it is more reassuring and less threatening to assume that their work always was a group endeavor. This is confusing cultural environment with individual achievement. 

It is no coincidence that this nonsense is presented by female modern 'artists' who clearly have no talent of their own which, if even from lightyears of distance, could be compared to the artists of the past like Michelangelo. Such videos are a useful reminder of the decline of the concept of culture in the last century and its lingering influences in our own time, and how modernism opened the doors to ambitious but entirely untalented people seeking their irrelevant hobby to be publicly acknowledged as contributing to the field of art, and thus deserving to be paid for, to be exhibited, to create careers, etc. Instead of liberating women from age-old patriarchal oppression and prejudice, such nonsense merely feeds the idea that women are best for kitchen and child care but not to be taken seriously and definitely not in the field of art. Such videos are anti-feminist, embarrassing revelations.

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