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Education: Rotterdam Conservatory, Cambridge University // Activities: composition, writing

Friday, 8 July 2022

Russian goals in Europe

 The Russian war in Ukraine has as a goal, to destabilize the West, and to be able to dominate through violence in a chaotic world without law and regulations. This is the assessment of Ukrainian essayist and psychoanalist Jurko Prochasko.

'If we fall, it will be your turn.' Thus far, all facts over a period of the last 10 years concerning the Russian régime, appear to confirm this supposition. A great nation is in the grip of a gangster club, and the West - and especially, Europe - should not be blind to that fact.

'Die herannahende Hungersnot in weiten Teilen der Welt genauso wie die Energieknappheit in Europa sind nicht zufällige Nebeneffekte des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine, sondern ein Kalkül, das darauf abzielt, durch immer mehr Leid und Chaos, durch immer größere Flüchtlingsbewegungen den Westen restlos zu destabilisieren und in einer Welt ohne Recht und Regeln mit dem Mittel der Gewalt zu triumphieren.'


Shameful and scandalous the European extremist rightwing parties and people who let themselves be funded by Russia, and thus with their lies and cranky fantasies help to destabilize Europe and contribute to suffering, and prepare more suffering to come. So, support for Ukraine is simply a matter of self-defence for the whole of Europe.

What has all of this to do with culture? But that is clear: it has to represent the European spirit, which is humanist, durable, and progressive in the sense of quality of life. It should underline the necessity of resistence againt anything that wants to destroy it.

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